About Tracker

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0. Tracker Module - Project Management

1. Search - Filter for projects using any data from any tab.

2. Project Header - Title and basic information about the project.  This data shows on each project tab view.

3. Project Actions - Allows users to clone, delete, or send notifications. Also shows related jobs.  Each tab will feature an export option in this area.

4. Tab Details - This is the active data area where users can enter details in a form or grid view.

5. Workflow - Buttons change the status of a job and can notify team of each state.

6. Tabs - Store similar data as a form, grid, or as a window into other modules; ERA, FileSharing, Asset Manager

7. Templates - Streamline the collection of data by reusing common or known information for each tab.  Templates can start jobs, be appended or replace current information, and be updated anytime.

8. User Tasks - Work queue of users tasks sorted by title or date.  Each task is a direct link to open the project for more information.