Skip a Reviewer

There are instances during an approval cycle where one particular member of the approval team is not available to sign off on the job by the Due Date. In this case, the Coordinator of the job may skip a team member/reviewer (called Advancing the job in ERA) so the approval may continue to other team members.

Only Coordinators of the job have the ability to Advance jobs and skip users.

Advancing a Sequentially routed approval will skip the next approver in the sequence. Advancing a Broadcast routed approval will skip all approvers that have yet to sign off on the job in question.

To Advance an approval that has been routed Broadcast:

  1. Locate the job requiring signoff in the main ERA table.
  2. In the Actions column, select the Complete link.
  3. Since the Coordinator has chosen to Complete the job and skip all remaining reviewers, the Complete Approval page will open. The Coordinator will then follow the necessary steps to Complete the job (Archive or New Revision).
  4. The ERA table will reload and display a yellow arrow next to those reviewers that have not signed off on the approval.

To Advance an approval that has been routed Sequentially:

  1. Locate the job requiring signoff in the main ERA table.
  2. In the Actions column, select the Advance link.
  3. The table will reload and display a yellow arrow next to the approver indicating that the approver was skipped in the process. The next reviewer in the sequence will be notified that the approval is ready for their review.