vProof Approvals

Approval Page Overview

Using the email link or by direct access from the ERA Dashboard, you will see the following page:

Approval Page for a vProof Routing

1. Icon and Link to download the original file.

2. Details about the approval - Approval #, Code and Title, Date Started and Date Due, and Description or Instructions for the approval.

3. Coordinator and Initiator for the routing.

4. If related to a Tracker job, a Link to the project # and the Project Title will show.

5. Previous revisions and links to preview what happened in the last round.

6. The current approval team and details including any files they have uploaded for reference, date of their last session, current status and reason, Name, Company/Department, Comments left with their status, and if there are any Notes on the Routing file.

7. Master Reference Files - documents that are available on each round; ex: Brand Guidelines

8. Reference Files - Allows users to add a file for others to reference.

9. Review Routing File - Launches the vProof application for approval.

10. View/Compare Revisions - Allows you to see current vs. previous rounds in a single session giving you the ability to see changes highlighted.

Review Routing File

Click the Review Routing File icon to launch vProof for begin your proofing session.  Click here for more information using vProof tools.

Select an Annotation Tool and click on the artwork tomake annotation. If using shape annotation, click+dragon the artwork to select an area.

Type in the annotation window that appearsand click Done to save your changes.  Tip: You may exit the program at any timeand return later to make additional changesbefore approving.

Reply to other users’ comments or questions.

Hover over page navigation filmstrip to comment on remaining pages in file.

Click Set Approval to submit your final status.  Choose an approval state.  Ex: Approved with Changes

If your approval requires changes, we may ask for a reason - or general classification for the changes you requested.  This step is an import part of collecting imperical data about the approval process.

Provide any comments you have about the entire job as a whole.

Multi-Mark Annotations