Routing Methods

ERA has two available methods for routing approvals to team members: Broadcast and Sequential.

Broadcast Routings are made available to all members of the approval team the instant the approval is released. Depending on the signoff method selected (e.g. check-in/check-out), all approvers can submit feedback anytime before the due date.

Sequential Routings are delivered to team members in the order in which they appear in the Team list. Only one approver is able to provide signoff on a job, and that can only occur when it is their turn in the sequence. When it becomes a user's turn to review an approval, they will recieve a notification stating such with a link to the approval. Their sign-off will prompt the next user in line to sign-off.

Reviewers will also show their approval state as a small icon. 

Blank - No approval status yet.
Green Check - Approved
Green Check w Line - Approval with Changes
Red X - Not Approved or Rejected
Yellow Arrow - User Skipped