Teams tab

The Teams tab captures the list of team members for a given project.
Each team member is assigned to a particular team position, which
represents a particular role that is required to complete the project. For
example, you might have team positions such as:
• Project Leader
• Designer
• Photographer
Each team position may have one or more people assigned to it.
Collectively, these people describe the team for the project.
The Teams tab is an example of a more generic type of tab that is found
throughout Tracker, called a grid tab. Grid tabs capture
rowandcolumn data, somewhat like an Excel spreadsheet.
For detailed information about grid tabs and how to edit them, please
refer to the section titled “Working With Grid Tabs”.
The team and team position concepts are critical to effectively using
and understanding Tracker. This is because teams are a building block
for several other pieces of functionality.
For example, team positions drive key features such as automated
notifications, task assignment, and access controls. Using teams
properly is a critical step along the path towards mastering Tracker.

Adding and Editing Teams - CREATE SLIDESHOW

  1. To add a new position to a Team, select the Add Team Position button at the top of the table. This will create a new row in the Teams table.
  2. Select a value from the Team Position drop-down menu.
  3. The Team Member field will default to To Be Assigned Later. Double-click this field to select a user from the drop-down menu.
  4. When all positions have been added to the table, select the Save Changes button on the upper left of the table. This will commit all changes to the system.
  5. To cancel changes made to the Teams table, select the Cancel Changes button.
  6. To remove a position from the Teams table, select the position in the table and select the Remove Selected button from the top of the table. When all desired positions have been removed, select the Save Changes button to commit the changes to the system.
  7. At any point, users can edit listings in the Teams table by double-clicking an entry and selecting a new value from the drop-down menu.